My talented husband, Mr. Christopher Clark, is featured in this month's Mormon Artist magazine! In fact, HE'S ON THE COVER! (I've always wanted to be married to a man whose on the cover of a magazine, I guess I can cross that off my bucket list now. . .) Among the topics: What projects he has worked on, What he's learned, What it's like being so awesome. . .
Read all about it HERE!
Totally enjoyed that article. Does he have any productions recorded? I have loved Shakespeare since BYU days...and would love to see the ones he talks about in the article.
That was such a cool article. Now I feel bad for not seeing any of his plays. Topher is so good at what he does, reading this article made me realize how HARD that stuff is and how creative he is....
Congratulations!!! Great article!
Quick! Tell my agent to get "Repressed Episcopalian Artist" on the line!
It's official - you are both way too cool for me.
I love "Repressed Episcopalian Artist!" Their December issue was particularly compelling. . .
Boy, oh Boy you Clarks, not only do you have the most beautiful children, your talent amazes me. I like to pretend that Topher is my best friend and that we chat every night after Lisa his the sack. I try to gleam all that I can from the both of you. Our little family adores and loves you all and congrats Chris, you are one in a ba-zillion. And don't forget you owe me a EFY side hug. Stay cool like dat, cuz you are. oxoxox creepy stalker.
Lisa, the December issue was the one the feature on organists, wasn't it? ...hot...really hot.
I want an autograph.... PLEASE!!!!!!
I really am proud of the both of you for being utah county famous. I won't lie that I'm a bit jealous that it's not Aaron on the cover.
this might seem like a strange comment.. your blog just came up on my google reader, one to check out.. anyway.. clicked on your husbands article.. saw the name of the people who left the first comment on his article..and I was like.. ummm I know that name.. I served for a month in lincoln while I was on my mission.. I was in your parent's home a few times.. so strange.. I totally remember your mom.. your dad was the ward mission leader, and he made a comment that has always stuck in my mind since then.. that was about 14 years ago.. how strange.. anyway.. just had to say hi.. I don't know how old you were then.. but I totally remember that little kitchen table nook.. I don't know how else to explain that table.. but anyway.. good memories.. if you let them know.. I was sister davis, serving with sister haight we taught and baptized a gal named lisa ullmer there...
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